The expected results of the project can be clustered in 5 main blocks, corresponding to the main WPs of the project.
- Improved awareness about the potential of skills development and employability in the aquaculture and fishery sector. Quantified results associated to this result are:
- Awareness Initial Seminars (1 in Lecce and 1 Marseille); agendas; ppt presentations and report of each seminar. 200 people attending in total.
- 4 tailored sessions (1 for entrepreneurs and 1 for young people): 2 in Lecce and 2 in Marseille, involving a total of 190 people.
- The “Entrefish” web site in three different languages (IT, EN, FR) with public area and reserved areas, including several information and training materials on Sustainable Fishery and Aquaculture sector.
- “Entrefish” FaceBook and Twitter pages
- 4 final Awareness final Regional Seminars (3 in Italy, 1 In France), at least 400 participants in total.
- 1 Final Workshop in Brussels, 50 people involved.
- Original guidance and training tools for improved skills for entrepreneurs and workers of the fishery and aquaculture sector (focus on Sustainable Entrepreneurship: growth planning, processing, marketing and communicating, networking and clustering with a sustainable approach)
- 1 Guidance kit for Entrepreneurs and Workers of fishery and aquaculture (Italian, French, English).
- 6 Plenary Guidance sessions (3 in Lecce, 3 in Marseille) and individual/small groups assessment activities for each participant; 70 people involved (entrepreneurs and workers).
- 4 Training kits in Italian (1 per each of the 4 training module) including Ppt presentations, briefs and case-studies
- 4 Training kits in French (1 per each of the 4 training module) including Ppt presentations, briefs and case-studies
- Classroom course (duration 80 hours, structured in 20 meetings of 4 hours) provided to a target of 70 participants (entrepreneurs and workers) in total. 4 editions (2 editions in Lecce, 2 editions in Marseille); 320 hours in total.
- 1 online business game for fishery and aquaculture sector (Italian, French and English version).
- Original guidance and training tools for providing skills and practical competencies to graduates and undergraduates in biology and economy (focus on Sustainable Entrepreneurship: growth planning, processing, marketing and communicating, networking and clustering with a sustainable approach)
- 1 Guidance kit for graduates and undergraduates (Italian, French, English).
- 5 Plenary sessions (4 sessions in Lecce and 1 in Marseille) and 100 individual interviews (individual assessment activities for each participant).
- 4 Training kits in Italian (1 per each of the 5 training module) including Ppt presentations, briefs and case-studies
- 5 Training kits in French and Italian (1 per each of the 4 training module) including Ppt presentations, briefs and case-studies
- 64 hours of classroom on “Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Fishery and Aquaculture” for young graduates and undergraduates. 5 editions-classrooms (4 in Lecce and 1 in Marseille). 100 participant. 320 hours supplied in total.
- 36 hours of e-learning on “Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Fishery and Aquaculture” for young graduates and undergraduates. 100 participant; 36 hours for each participant.
- 1 online business game on fishery and aquaculture sector (Italian and English version).
- Training credits recognized by Salento University.
- Skills on sustainable entrepreneurship applied in practice, through a wide project work activity involving mixed and multidisciplinary teams and a pilot traineeship activity.
- 13 project work teams (8 teams in Italy, 5 teams in France) letting cooperate entrepreneurs, workers and young graduates.13 project final works-business plans. A total of 130 people involved
- The Entrefish Traineeship Guidelines (Italian and English) to support quality experience within SMEs of aquaculture and fishery.
- 40 young undergraduates involved in traineeship in fishery and aquaculture SMEs.
- Sustainability of project’s results, verified and defined in 4 regional Italian areas, 1 regional area in France and at EU level
- 4 regional panels, 1 EU Panel – 50 key stakeloders involved
- 5 sustainability road maps.